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Topics - fosamax

Bugs & Feature requests / Text Aliases
May 05, 2015, 04:40:34 PM
Could you add text aliases for better handling specific OSes

Currently on GCW zero, face buttons on the console are internally refered as keyboard strokes :  left cont/left alt/left shif/space/return/left/right/up/down

I would like those to be displayed as button A/button B/button X/button Y/button Start/Left/Right/Up/Down on the Option Menu.
Maybe we could have a per OS file that could convert the on screen aliases without messing with the internal code ?

Also, it could be great to have something similar in dialog boxes :

-- Dialogue avec la femme au chignon
  id = "outside_world.village.chignon_woman",
  skip = "all",
  text = [[
Quand l'icône bleue
apparaît, elle indique
ce que tu peux faire en
appuyant sur la touche
Action (espace).
Selon ce que tu es en
train d'examiner, tu
peux faire différentes
actions comme regarder,
parler avec quelqu'un,
lire une pancarte,
soulever un vase...
Observe bien l'icône
bleue pour savoir quand
tu peux interagir avec
ton environnement !

Could be replaced by :

-- Dialogue avec la femme au chignon
  id = "outside_world.village.chignon_woman",
  skip = "all",
  text = [[
Quand l'icône bleue
apparaît, elle indique
ce que tu peux faire en
appuyant sur la touche
Selon ce que tu es en
train d'examiner, tu
peux faire différentes
actions comme regarder,
parler avec quelqu'un,
lire une pancarte,
soulever un vase...
Observe bien l'icône
bleue pour savoir quand
tu peux interagir avec
ton environnement !

where &[Alias:action] would be replaced with the matching alias on runtime.

What do you think about it ?
Development / More built-in game actions ?
February 25, 2015, 03:56:48 PM
Could it be possible to allow more built-in game action so that it better fits more gaming style.
I guess those game command could remain unactive in the current implentation of zelda solarus.

Here's what I can think :
"action": Contextual action such as talking, swimming, throwing, etc.
"attack_1": Main attack (using the sword).
"attack_2": Secondary attack (using custom entity ?)
"backstab": Stealth attack
"dodge": Prevent damage
"pause": Pausing or unpausing the game. (real freeze of the game)
"menu": Access or escape last selected menu (may replace current pause)
"map": Direct access to the map
"inventory": Direct access to the inventory
"status": Direct access to the quest's status
"options": Direct access to option menu
"item_1": Using the equipment item placed in slot 1 (see game:get_item_assigned())
"item_2": Using the equipment item placed in slot 2 (see game:get_item_assigned())
"right": Moving to the right.
"left": Moving to the left.
"up": Moving to the top.
"down": Moving to the bottom.
"next": Perform next action
"previous": Perform previous action

"custom1": Perform custom action 1 (scripted)
"custom2": Perform custom action 2 (scripted)
"custom3": Perform custom action 3 (scripted)
"custom4": Perform custom action 4 (scripted)

next and previous could have a different behaviour whether you're inside or outside the menu.

Currently I would like to use the following game command to improve playability on mobile devices :
- menu : access last selected menu (mapped on start button for example)
- map : direct access to the map (mapped on select button for example)
- previous and next : switch between map/inventory/status/option when in menu

I understand adding more built-in game action would require that option menu should be made scrollable to fit the added action (even if all are not made available)

I opened an issue on github.

Thanks !
Bugs & Feature requests / Solarus features ?
September 24, 2014, 04:20:16 PM

I'm quite interested into making my own game but I don't want it to be a Zelda Alttp clone. Could you tell me if the following features seems achievable with the current version on the engine or if some changes in the c++ core would need to be done.

Here's some of the features I'm interested in :

- I would like some rogue like features or a mix between A-RPG and rogue like : I don't need true ramdomly generated dungeons but I guess I may need a way to ramdomly load maps that can be created by hand.
- I may need several playable characters (only one at a time) with different abilities (let's say warrior, archer, mage, thief...)
- Idealy, I may need the amount of gold to be shared between characters
- each character may have different strong, max health, max magic and so on...
- I would like to have for each character :
* normal attack
* special attack by long pressing the attack button
* two special abilities (assigned on two more butons) : like throwing axes, using shield, magical attack...
special events (assignable through menu on a fourth button) like health potion, invincibility, temporary rising attack power...
*ability should be character specific

- breakable treasures and gold magnet
- ability to choose equipment through menu with visual effect (more than 3 tunic)
- maybe light and particle effect (through lua ?)
- some kind of simple achievements (time to beat a dungeon, time to defeat a boss, number of ennemies killed...)

Ramdomly generated dungeon is not mandatory (some games like cladun : this is a rpg could be used as a reference where dungeons are not ramdomly done and yet it can be seen as a mix between A-RPG and rogue like).

I'm still learning the making with the engine so I'm way back before missing features may be problematic.

I guess I will start with a small project like a zelda sokoban.

General discussion / Solarus engine port to GCW Zero
September 14, 2013, 11:38:20 AM
GCW Zero ( is a little, yet powerfull handheld device.

CPU: Ingenic JZ4770 1 GHz MIPS processor
GPU: Vivante GC860, capable of OpenGL ES 2.0
Display:3.5 inch LCD with 320x240 pixels; 4:3 aspect ratio is ideal for retro gaming
Operating system: Linux 3.x (OpenDingux)
Memory:   512 MB DDR2
Internal storage:   16 GB, most of which is available for applications and data
External storage:   micro SDHC up to 32 GB or micro SDXC of 64 GB (SDXC cards must be reformatted before use)

Currently, a dev named Shin-Nil is working on a port of Solarus engine to the Zero.

He already ported the Zelda Trilogy (ROTH, OLB and 3T) as you can see in that post :

I think that it's a nice addition for the handhelds, and even more with the upcoming Solarus 1.1

Keep up the good work Christopho !

Greetings from France !