I want to stick to the overlay, because i want to have the high layer for other stuff, like a school of fishes swimming around or airbubbles.
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Development / Re: Underwater distortion effect possible?
September 14, 2015, 11:51:32 PM
I'm experimenting.

Lots needs to be done.
- Water overlay is not animating yet, but it does moves like the forest overlay.
- Tiles needs animation.
- Link is swimming, but can't interact with objects yet.
- And ofcourse Link's sprite needs to be changed to a custom made diving state.

Lots needs to be done.
- Water overlay is not animating yet, but it does moves like the forest overlay.
- Tiles needs animation.
- Link is swimming, but can't interact with objects yet.
- And ofcourse Link's sprite needs to be changed to a custom made diving state.
Your projects / Re: Id like to create book to help beginners about solarus editor
September 13, 2015, 02:23:01 PMQuote from: Neovyse on September 13, 2015, 11:43:09 AMNever tried Scribus. I do use Indesign, it's part of my job ^^
Yes Adobe InDesign would be the bestBut it's really expensive. I've never really tried Scribus. The last time I tried, it was not really handy. Do you use it ?
Your projects / Re: Id like to create book to help beginners about solarus editor
September 12, 2015, 07:39:38 PM
Since you like open-source, why not using Scribus? It looks like a solid tool and it's an alternative to Adobe Indesign, which is in my opinion the tool to create nice books and stuff.
Your projects / Re: Id like to create book to help beginners about solarus editor
September 12, 2015, 11:47:38 AMQuote from: 20degree on September 11, 2015, 10:50:07 PMThe amount of dpi depends on the distribution method. Will be it be shared as PDF file then 72 or 96 dpi is just fine, but when you want sell it as an actual printed book then you should use 300 dpi images for the best results (actually most printing offices require you to use 300 dpi).
Me the free pdf guides ive writen in the past has 96dpi images into. The images in it is not 72dpi. I know that 72dpi is the standard for web imagery. But what i wonder Zeror, if for a free pdf guide or commercial that 96dpi is enough or if it should be 300dpi as you say?
It's because i think of the total file size weight.
Thank's for your time and thank's to others also.
Your projects / Re: Id like to create book to help beginners about solarus editor
September 11, 2015, 09:24:09 PMQuote from: Neovyse on September 11, 2015, 08:41:45 PMNo offense to Solarus, but i think it would fail. I would not recommend that.
If we do a commercial book, why not crowdfunding ?
If you want, let's say, 500 copies produced then the costs are already around the 2.750-3.400 dollar / 2.500-3.000 euro pricerange at minimum. Let's say everyone funds 12 dollar / 10 euro you still need 300 people. I don't see that happen.
Your projects / Re: Id like to create book to help beginners about solarus editor
September 11, 2015, 07:20:51 PMQuote from: 20degree on September 11, 2015, 06:46:31 PMIf you want to make sure that images comes out great in black and white (greyscaled) then it's best to use a good high contrast in those images. Make sure black is really black and white is really white. Also use a proper resolution to have nice sharp images. That can be tricky because you use screenshots, which are always 72dpi, but for good printing results you need actually 300dpi (you need nearest-neighbor scaling for this actually for the best results).
What is also important is think if the images in the pages, the explications of the images should be very details; just in case if the interior of the pages would be printed in black and white, by some publisher even if the images where in colors; or some person that buy an ebook and want to print it in black and white. As you can see, i try my best to think of diverse possibilities and probabilities. To make it a great book.
Your projects / Re: Id like to create book to help beginners about solarus editor
September 11, 2015, 05:15:50 PM
Making a (digital) book of Solarus is really a fantastic idea.
Like Christopho already mentioned the book needs only a few chunks.
Here is my idea of the contents:
And i'd like to mention. If you need help with graphics or something I can support on that. And if you are using Adobe Indesign i can help too. For my job i am actually working with the Adobe suite software, so no problem with that.
Edit: Chapter 4 and 5 switched as suggested by Christopho.
Like Christopho already mentioned the book needs only a few chunks.
Here is my idea of the contents:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1. What is Solarus?
- 2. How to install?
- 3. Starting your first project
- 4. Saving and loading projects
- 5. Explain what can be found in the editor (like the map editor, sprite editor, dialog editor etc...)
No details of how building works yet, only where to find them. Also some explanation of the UI (zooming, grid, options-menu, etc..).
- Chapter 2: Basic Mapping
- Explain chapter 2 - 9 of the video tutorials here
- Chapter 3: Advanced Mapping
- Explain chapter 10 - 17 + 19 of the video tutorials here
- Chapter 4: Lua Scripting
- Short basic Lua scripting tutorial
- -- Explain chapter 18, 20 and 22 of the video tutorials here
- Advanced environments (screen overlays, weather effects, etc..)
- Ingame events and story chapters (incl camera movements etc..)
- Advanced enemies and bosses
- Creating custom equipment and weapons
- much more...
- Chapter 5: User Interface
- 1. Title screen
- 2. Ingame UI
- 3. Setup game controls
- 4. Ingame options UI
- 5. World map
- 6. Credits screen
- Chapter 6: Distribution of your game
- Explain chapter 24 of the video tutorials here
- Info on licensing (disclaimer info in case of Zelda content usage for example)
And i'd like to mention. If you need help with graphics or something I can support on that. And if you are using Adobe Indesign i can help too. For my job i am actually working with the Adobe suite software, so no problem with that.

Edit: Chapter 4 and 5 switched as suggested by Christopho.
Bugs & Feature requests / Re: Supporting mobile platforms
September 08, 2015, 08:51:43 PM
I was wondering. Is it possible to convert a Solarus project to Unity or something in some way. Maybe tools needs to be created for it. UNity has great options if it comes to exporting to different platforms.
Bugs & Feature requests / Re: Suggestions for the Solarus Editor
September 08, 2015, 08:45:13 PM
I'm not missing an auto-save option. I do miss a save all option to save all unsaved opened files at once.
Development / Re: Underwater distortion effect possible?
September 07, 2015, 09:18:08 PMQuote from: DementedKirby on September 06, 2015, 07:50:09 PMCould be an idea to try. That together with an animated overlay to would be a nice thing i guess.
I see what you mean. But if you look closely, only the map tiles are distorted. Maybe you could do the same with animated tiles?
Development / Re: Underwater distortion effect possible?
September 06, 2015, 10:25:49 AMQuote from: DementedKirby on September 04, 2015, 01:45:23 PMSometimes they used an overlay, and sometimes they used distortion.
I still think it will look pretty decent. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't most SNES games simply simulate the "underwater effect" with sprites? Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X, etc. just had the hero enter the water but it didn't distort any of the images yet you could still tell they were underwater. At least, with having the transparent water tiles as a high layer over the entire map you want submerged, you get a better illusion of being underwater than those previously mentioned games because 1) Zelda is viewed from a bird's eye view camera angle and 2) you actually see the water moving over the level. So I think it's a good thing for the moment and just as aesthetically pleasing.
For example Donkey Kong Country
Development / Re: Underwater distortion effect possible?
September 02, 2015, 03:22:33 PM
That's right. It is my back-up solution if the distortion is not possible.
Development / Re: Underwater distortion effect possible?
August 31, 2015, 10:17:26 PMQuote from: DementedKirby on August 30, 2015, 07:27:46 PMThen you have just a water overlay without a distortion.
It's very possible to do.
Use the transparent water tile over the entire area on the highest layer. That way it will appear that you're underwater.

Bugs & Feature requests / Re: [Feature] Custom background for a map
August 31, 2015, 08:10:25 PMQuote from: Christopho on August 31, 2015, 11:24:26 AMLike suggested above, would be great if that background color can be a texture as well.
Actually the tileset's background color will useful for when the camera is off limits, like when you do a quake effect.