Error trying to Run Quest in Ubuntu

Started by PeterB, January 12, 2019, 08:01:33 PM

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January 12, 2019, 08:01:33 PM Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 08:04:39 PM by PeterB
Hey guys,

I am having trying to run my quest in Ubuntu.

I think it may be an issue with GL and the new Shaders?

I have reinstalled all the packages as i thought it may be a SDL2 issue and have reinstalled Solarus and the Editor but with no joy.

The Editor works fine, i just can't run any games from either Solarus or the Editor???

This is what I am getting in the console when trying to run my quest in the Editor.

Info: Solarus 1.6.0
Info: Opening quest '/home/dad/Desktop/My Zelda Quest Draft'
Info: Joypad support enabled: true
Info: SDL: 2.0.8
Fatal: Cannot create the renderer: Could not create GL context: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)

Hi Peter,

Are you using the Snap? eg, you got it from the Ubuntu store? I am in charge of maintaining solarus-snap and we can create a bug report there if so.

There is also a known issue with 1.6 in general that you might be experiencing.
RIP Aaron Swartz

Hi Alex,

No I am using the standard Solarus from the source code. I see it has been updated so I will compile it again and see if it is fixed.

Hello, today I download Solarus and I have this issue too. I can't run my quest with Solarus editor or other quest with Solarus Quest Launcher. But I can play Ocean's Heart quest (,1107.0.html) with opening the solarus-run.exe with Wine. I install Solarus from snap.

The message when I run quest from Solarus Quest Editor is only this:
Info: Solarus 1.6.0
Info: Opening quest '/home/dito/Solarus/Test_Solarus'

My system specs:
OS: Lubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64-bit

Quote from: ditokp on January 27, 2019, 09:51:27 AM
Hello, today I download Solarus and I have this issue too. I can't run my quest with Solarus editor or other quest with Solarus Quest Launcher. But I can play Ocean's Heart quest (,1107.0.html) with opening the solarus-run.exe with Wine. I install Solarus from snap.

The message when I run quest from Solarus Quest Editor is only this:
Info: Solarus 1.6.0
Info: Opening quest '/home/dito/Solarus/Test_Solarus'

My system specs:
OS: Lubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64-bit

Thanks for the report. It might be one of these issues:

...which I don't know how to solve.  :(
RIP Aaron Swartz

Quote from: alexgleason on January 27, 2019, 05:33:35 PM
Quote from: ditokp on January 27, 2019, 09:51:27 AM
Hello, today I download Solarus and I have this issue too. I can't run my quest with Solarus editor or other quest with Solarus Quest Launcher. But I can play Ocean's Heart quest (,1107.0.html) with opening the solarus-run.exe with Wine. I install Solarus from snap.

The message when I run quest from Solarus Quest Editor is only this:
Info: Solarus 1.6.0
Info: Opening quest '/home/dito/Solarus/Test_Solarus'

My system specs:
OS: Lubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64-bit

Thanks for the report. It might be one of these issues:

...which I don't know how to solve.  :(

Thank you for replying my issue. I hope this issue can be fixed soon. But, is there any workaround to play or preview quest that I create in Solarus Quest Editor?

Quote from: ditokp on January 27, 2019, 05:45:04 PM
is there any workaround to play or preview quest that I create in Solarus Quest Editor?

You have two options:

1. Use Solarus 1.5.3 (instructions here)
2. Try compiling 1.6 from source. Some users have reported that this works when the Snap doesn't. Instructions.
RIP Aaron Swartz

Thank you for the solution. I think I will used the 1.5.3, because I'm new with Linux and I'm confused when compiling from source. Only once I can success compiling, and the rest is failed.

After compiling from source, 1.6.1 gets a bit further but Ubuntu still doesn't like SDL and the shaders.

I think you are right, it is either 1.53 or running the quest in Wine with the windows version of Solarus.

Anyway, this is what i get in the console.

Info: Solarus 1.6.1
Info: Opening quest '/home/me/Desktop/My Zelda Quest master'
Info: Joypad support enabled: true
Info: SDL: 2.0.8
Info: Failed to obtain core GL. Trying compatibility instead...
Info: Failed to initialize SDL shader Hack. Shaders unavailable.
Info: Renderer: SDLRenderer : software