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Topics - CitizenKyle

Development / Analog stick functionality
January 25, 2016, 12:02:02 PM
I've got the D-pad and the buttons working on the XBOX 360 controller with this:

game:set_command_joypad_binding("up", "button 0")
game:set_command_joypad_binding("down", "button 1")
game:set_command_joypad_binding("left", "button 2")
game:set_command_joypad_binding("right", "button 3")
game:set_command_joypad_binding("attack", "button 10") -- A
game:set_command_joypad_binding("action", "button 11") -- B
game:set_command_joypad_binding("item_1", "button 12") -- X
game:set_command_joypad_binding("item_2", "button 13") -- Y

But how do I get the left analog stick to control movement like the D-pad?