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Messages - simeonsurferig

Your projects / Re: project of MMO
March 17, 2018, 10:26:28 AM
Explorer is not abandoned, but I work with my family and there is many problem, so I work on other project.
And this game is an idea, who are hard (because that the first mmo create with solarus and in this type (it is not clear because it would be difficult to explain in writing), so thats what its cool if you can help me, thanks you very much
Your projects / project of MMO
March 15, 2018, 10:48:48 PM
Hello everybody

Yes, you ave correctly read, i have a project for a MMO with solarus game engine, but, I need help ;D!
If you want to participate, join me on discord!


  • be good in coding/design/music/scnenerial
  • can speak a little french (sorry, i'm french and my english is not very good :-[)
  • have time (for this project particulary)


  • be very good at french or be french
  • friendly
  • worker

for information, I chose to use the online system create by stdgregwar and my project is a little demented
Your projects / Re: explorer:the atlantis journey
September 24, 2016, 11:34:33 AM
no, but if you have an idea, you can write on this page this idea. and the story are still in write, the picture are drawing and the code is not still doing. (scuse me if there are a fault i am french)
Your projects / explorer:the atlantis journey
August 21, 2016, 09:42:44 AM
Hello :)
I create a new game!!!!!
His name is "explorer: the atlantis journey".
this is an "action"-adventure game
if you have a question.