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Messages - Jeff

Here is the new script with some typos corrected, several bugs worked out, and a few things just tidied up.

Thank you D MAS for bringing the corrected issues to my attention. I found a few more issues that bugged me while I was reworking this script so those fixes are in here as well. For instance, once you reach the maximum level, the game will record your experience as being maxed out rather than recording it as 0. It could be improved more but for now I think it will work for most people's purposes.

-- LEVEL (LVL) and EXPERIENCE (EXP) counters shown on the game screen.

-- LVL AND EXP  version 1.6
-- from a script (for rupees) by christopho
-- Modified by froGgy for a Zelda-like (ZL) project.
-- v 1.0:  First version posted. It is just a draft.
-- Modified by Kamigousu on 18/07/19.
-- v 1.6:  Updated for use with Solarus 1.6; basic with lots of potential, mostly just froggy77's original draft.
--Modified by D MAS and Kamigousu on 16/01/21.
--v 1.6.4: Updated for clarity and ease of use.

--Additional code and notes are included at the bottom for convenience. Please read them before continuing.

local lvl_and_exp = {}

function lvl_and_exp:new(game)

  local object = {}
  setmetatable(object, self)
  self.__index = self


  return object

function lvl_and_exp:initialize(game) = game
  self.surface = sol.surface.create(112, 24)
  self.digits_text_for_lvl = sol.text_surface.create{
    font = "green_digits",
    horizontal_alignment = "left",
  self.digits_text_for_exp = sol.text_surface.create{
    font = "white_digits",
    horizontal_alignment = "left",
  self.digits_text_for_exp_to_levelup = sol.text_surface.create{
    font = "white_digits",
    horizontal_alignment = "left",

  --Set the initial level and experience to 1 and 0 respectively,
  --if they are not all ready set.
  if not or == 0 then end
  if not then end
  self.lvl_icon_img = sol.surface.create("hud/lvl_and_exp_icon.png")
  self.exp_icon_img = sol.surface.create("hud/lvl_and_exp_icon.png")
  self.slash_icon_img = sol.surface.create("hud/lvl_and_exp_icon.png")
  self.current_lvl_displayed =
  self.current_exp_displayed =
  self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)

  --Here are two options for setting up the exp_to_levelup table.
  --By default, option 2 is enabled.

  --The first will set up a very basic level up table that requires you
  --to fill in all the fields for each level up. You may stop at whatever
  --level you wish; that level will be the max level. That code is as follows:

  --self.t_exp_to_levelup = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800}
  --self.max_level = #self.t_exp_to_levelup


  --The second will set up a basic level up table that will fill in the experience
  --required for each level based on the total number of levels you would like.
  --This requires you to define the max level yourself and input the experience
  --required to level up to level 2 into the exp_to_levelup table.

  self.max_level = 20
  self.t_exp_to_levelup = {150}
  for key, value in ipairs(self.t_exp_to_levelup) do
    local next_key = key + 1
    if next_key <= self.max_level - 1 then
      self.t_exp_to_levelup[next_key] = math.ceil((self.t_exp_to_levelup[1] * next_key) + ((value * next_key) / 100))
      --Uncomment the print lines below to see the level and required experience to levelup in the console.


--Whenenever a game over is completed, the timer for this counter
--must be restarted.
function lvl_and_exp:on_started()

function lvl_and_exp:check()

  local need_rebuild = false
  local current_level =
  local current_exp =
  local exp_to_levelup = self.t_exp_to_levelup[current_level]
  if exp_to_levelup == nil then
self.current_exp_displayed = self.t_exp_to_levelup[self.max_level - 1]
self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)
   exp_to_levelup = self.t_exp_to_levelup[self.max_level - 1]
  local difference = 0

-- Current LVL.
if current_level <= self.max_level then
  if current_level ~= self.current_lvl_displayed then
  need_rebuild = true
  local increment
  if current_level > self.current_lvl_displayed then
    increment = 1
    increment = -1
  self.current_lvl_displayed = self.current_lvl_displayed + increment
  -- Play a sound if we have just reached the final value.
  if self.current_lvl_displayed == current_level then
    if increment == 1 then"victory")"treasure")

-- Current XP.
if current_level <= self.max_level - 1 then
  if current_exp ~= self.current_exp_displayed then
need_rebuild = true
local increment
    local difference = math.abs(current_exp - self.current_exp_displayed)
  if current_exp > self.current_exp_displayed then
        if difference >= 1000 then
      increment = 321
        elseif difference>= 100 then
          increment = 32
        else if difference >= 10 then
          increment = 3
          increment = 1
        if difference >= 1000 then
      increment = -321
        elseif difference >= 100 then
          increment = -32
        else if difference >= 10 then
          increment = -3
          increment = -1
  self.current_exp_displayed = self.current_exp_displayed + increment
  self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)

-- Level up
  if self.current_exp_displayed >= exp_to_levelup then
      if ~= self.max_level then
    difference = current_exp - exp_to_levelup"current_exp", difference)
    current_exp ="current_exp")
    self.current_exp_displayed = 0
    self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)

  -- Redraw the surface only if something has changed.
  if need_rebuild then

  -- Schedule the next check.
  local timer = sol.timer.start(, 10, function()

function lvl_and_exp:rebuild_surface()


  -- LVL (icon).
  self.lvl_icon_img:draw_region(0, 0, 12, 12, self.surface)

  -- XP (icon).
  self.exp_icon_img:draw_region(12, 0, 12, 12, self.surface, 27, 0)
  -- SLASH (icon).
  self.slash_icon_img:draw_region(24, 0, 8, 12, self.surface, 40 + (8 * self.current_exp_displayed_length), 4)

    -- Current LVL (counter).
  if self.current_lvl_displayed == self.max_level then
  self.digits_text_for_lvl:draw(self.surface, 12, 6)
  -- Current XP (counter).
  if self.current_lvl_displayed < self.max_level then
  self.digits_text_for_exp_to_levelup:set_text(self.t_exp_to_levelup[self.max_level - 1])
  self.digits_text_for_exp:draw(self.surface, 40, 6)
  self.digits_text_for_exp_to_levelup:draw(self.surface, 48 + (8 * self.current_exp_displayed_length), 12)

function lvl_and_exp:set_dst_position(x, y)
  self.dst_x = x
  self.dst_y = y

function lvl_and_exp:on_draw(dst_surface)

  local x, y = self.dst_x, self.dst_y
  local width, height = dst_surface:get_size()
  if x < 0 then
    x = width + x
  if y < 0 then
    y = height + y

  self.surface:draw(dst_surface, x, y)

return lvl_and_exp

--[[********************************NOTES and CODE********************************

This script assumes you have the green and white digits fonts from the ALttP resource pack.
It also assumes you have the "victory", "treasure", "switch", and "hero_falls" sounds from that resource pack.
You may change these in the script to customise the sounds and digits for your game.

You must have a file named lvl_and_exp_icon.png in the sprites/hud folder or you must change the file name in this script to correspond with your own custom file.
If you use the file provided in the top comment on the forum page for this script (,1362.msg8050.html#msg8050)
then you will not need to modify the script. If you use your own custom file, you will, more likely than not, need to modify this script at lines 178, 181, and 184
to draw the new image properly.
You DO NOT need to create sprites for this script to run. You only need to have the png image named correctly and in the proper folder.

The following must be put into your hud_config script, in the table with the rest of your hud elements;
unless you are putting the exp and lvl display in an inventory screen or some other menu, in which case you will have to require it in the proper lua file.

  --Level and Experience Counter
    menu_script = ("scripts/hud/lvl_and_exp"),
    x = 210,    --X and Y can be changed to wherever you would like the exp counter displayed.
    y = 16,

You must also add the functions game:get_level/exp(), set_level/exp(), and add_level/exp() to your game. 
In a seperate file named game.lua (or wherever you have a game metatable available) add the following:

--The line below can be omitted if you are putting the following function in a file with the metatable all ready defined.
local game_meta = sol.main.get_metatable("game")

function game_meta:get_level()
  return self:get_value("current_level")

function game_meta:set_level(level)
  return self:set_value("current_level", level)

function game_meta:add_level(level)
  local level = level
  local c_level = self:get_level()
  local level_up = c_level + level
  return self:set_value("current_level", level_up)

function game_meta:get_exp()
  return self:get_value("current_exp")

function game_meta:set_exp(exp)
  return self:set_value("current_exp", exp)

function game_meta:add_exp(exp)
  local exp = exp
  local c_exp = self:get_exp()
  local exp_up = c_exp + exp
  return self:set_value("current_exp", exp_up)

If you are using the standard features.lua script, it is recommended to require the file that holds the code above in that script.

I did not change the placement or spacing for the level and experience text but those changes are documented in the script posted by D MAS. Also, I feel that aesthetic choices like that are best left up to the developer using the system. The script here is meant to be easily mutable.

Please feel free to reply with comments or questions or come to the discord to ask/comment. The image file for the icons can still be found in the top comment of this thread or you can use D MAS' file (see comment above) that they were kind enough to share.

Thanks again Froggy77 and D MAS!

EDIT: Added a few more features like pausing with the map and adjusted spacing for the exp and separating slash. It also now counts up exp faster if there is a large amount of experience to add. Thank you Max for providing a nice example of how to do that; my initial idea was a tad backwards.

EDIT2:  Small fix to the increment portion of the check function.
Hello everyone!

Since the server fire last year (was it 2020 or 2021?) all of these attachments have been lost. I have not had time to reupload them but I will fix this post in the future.

This is intended to be a collection of scripts that will provide features related to aiming the hero. For the moment, I only have a portion of the features working but they seem to be stable in my testing. Currently, this only works with a mouse and keyboard but I do plan to add support for joypads. The idea behind this is to replicate the system from Dark Souls as closely as possible in a 2D enviroment.

Edit: You will also need a cursor sprite and a target marker sprite to draw on the screen.

These are the initial scripts for this collection; they will allow target lock-on and cursor aiming, in conjunction with the supporting scripts.

  • Aim  --  Makes the hero face the position of the cursor.
  • Draw Cursor  --  Draws the cursor on the screen (it is important to set the system cursor visibility to false).
  • Lock On  --  Whenever 'Q' (or whatever key you choose) is pressed, lock on to an enemy within range and line of sight.
  • Draw Target Marker  --  Draw a marker on the currently selected target.
  • Get Position On Screen (Enemy)  --  Converts the enemy's map coordinates into screen coordinates.
  • On Removed  --  When the currently selected target dies, make sure the lock-on is removed properly.
  • Line of Sight  --  Checks the hero's facing direction and tests for obstacles between hero and target.
  • Get Position On Screen (Hero)  --  Same as previous script, but for the hero rather than enemies.

Each of these scripts utilise the multi_events script included with Solarus. Just add the scripts to your quest directory and require them in the proper script (either features or main; however you add new scripts to your quest). I tried to write the scripts clearly enough that they can be modified easily.

I owe a big thanks to several members of the community for helping with this. Diarandor, Llamazing, and Cluedrew most of all!

Let me know any criticism or critiques you may have!
Development / Re: Resources
August 27, 2019, 01:21:14 AM
The Solarus website has all you need to get started. I'm sure there are plenty of other websites that have free assets and such; or even paid assets.

You could try looking at for some stuff. I have used a few things from there for prototype artwork.
If you are using stamina to determine if the hero can attack, you may want to use a stamina check in your attack command.

So if you had a function like this:

function game:on_command_pressed(command)
  if command == "attack" and stamina < 0 then

This is just an example but it is similar to what I am using in my own game. Of course, this is assuming you have all ready set up stamina in your game so you can use methods like game:get_stamina() or game:set_stamina(). Without that, you cant really check to see if the hero can attack or not.

Generally, if I need to stop a command press under certain circumstances, I use logic gates in game:on_command_pressed() to determine if the command should be allowed or not. I'm sure the other ways mentioned work just as well, but I have never tried them.
Development / Re: Seach for an entity?
August 10, 2019, 02:11:55 AM
If you don't mind naming your entities with a prefix you can use map:has_entities(prefix)/map:get_entities(prefix). Here is a link to the API page for the former:

then just run your for loop on the results and freeze what ever you need to.

EDIT: realising now you may have wanted to freeze any given enemy/all enemies on the map. In this case, you could use the code provided by Max.
Development / Re: How to configure game window
August 08, 2019, 02:36:43 AM
Quote from: llamazing on August 05, 2019, 05:04:10 AM
The problem has to be reported in order to be fixed.

I went to the link  you provided and added a new issue describing the problem.
Development / Re: How to configure game window
August 05, 2019, 01:49:33 AM
This problem is completely avoided by using the fade in/ fade out effect instead of the scrolling. Though it doesn't give the same exact effect as scrolling, it is much better than 'immediate' transitions (but not as good as Star Wars transitions).

Your projects / Re: Golden Axe Warrior in Solarus
August 02, 2019, 03:47:30 AM
This is looking great! It has actually inspired me to take a few traits to use in my own project.

I love to see people games grow like this :)

Keep up the good work!
Your projects / Re: Zelda 1 Resource Pack
August 02, 2019, 03:41:13 AM
@CopperKatana and @Maloney -- Sent you both a message. Looks like a good start so far!
I've also been experiencing an issue with the hud disappearing when I die and respawn. I assumed it has something to do with my last saved ground position? Not really sure but definitely an issue I need to figure out before my game will be playable.

I also created a script that would start the hud when I ran a console command but if I run it after I die, it will not start the hud. I'll have to do some more testing to see what might be the issue, but there are no errors thrown so it will be trial and error.
Quote from: froggy77 on July 22, 2019, 07:56:38 PM

wow it is a very good job.
I have a headache reading again the script after several years without scripting in Lua. I'm glad someone keeps making the script use.
Thank you for the update.

Please, could you delete my nickname in the topic name? It is not because it is misspelled ;) but because it's just embarrassing.

Of course, I'm very sorry for the misspelling. I have fixed the post and removed your name from the title. I only put it there because I did not want to try to steal credit for creating this script. I did not mean to embarrass you.

In regards to the allied experience and levelling, I don't think it would be hard to adapt this script for allied characters. I would have to do A lot of testing so I probably won't work on that for a little while. All though it might be interesting to apply an enemy level and experience system so it may be sooner than later. I will have to keep in touch with Blueblue3D and post any scripts hat may come from the matter.
See my comment near the bottom for the updated script! Thank you!

Hey everybody,

This script was originally made by froggy77 (,520.msg7809.html) and they recently asked for help with updating the script to work with Solarus 1.6. I took some time and got it working with the latest version and so I thought I would re-upload the script for the community. I hope this is okay; I didn't think posting it in the original forum would give it as much visibility and the original post contains some outdated information that is better left out. I did message the original author but after a few days without reply I decided I would post it here, with due credit. Not sure if messages even notify people on here.

Here is the script in it's entirety with all the necessary extra functions and code included at the bottom and below the code is a download for the .lua file:

-- LEVEL (LVL) and EXPERIENCE (EXP) counters shown on the game screen.

-- LVL AND EXP  version 1.6
-- from a script (for rupees) by christopho
-- Modified by froGgy for a Zelda-like (ZL) project.
-- v 1.0:  First version posted. It is just a draft.
-- Modified by Kamigousu on 18/07/19.
-- v 1.6:  Updated for use with Solarus 1.6; basic with lots of potential, mostly just froggy77's original draft.

--Additional code and notes are included at the bottom for convenience. Please read them before continuing.

local lvl_and_exp = {}

function lvl_and_exp:new(game)

  local object = {}
  setmetatable(object, self)
  self.__index = self


  return object

function lvl_and_exp:initialize(game) = game
  self.surface = sol.surface.create(112, 24)
  self.digits_text_for_lvl = sol.text_surface.create{
    font = "green_digits",
    horizontal_alignment = "left",
  self.digits_text_for_exp = sol.text_surface.create{
    font = "white_digits",
    horizontal_alignment = "left",
  self.digits_text_for_exp_to_levelup = sol.text_surface.create{
    font = "white_digits",
    horizontal_alignment = "left",
  self.lvl_icon_img = sol.surface.create("hud/lvl_and_exp_icon.png")
  self.exp_icon_img = sol.surface.create("hud/lvl_and_exp_icon.png")
  self.slash_icon_img = sol.surface.create("hud/lvl_and_exp_icon.png")
  self.current_lvl_displayed =
  self.current_exp_displayed =
  self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)
  self.t_exp_to_levelup = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800}
  self.max_level = #self.t_exp_to_levelup

function lvl_and_exp:check()

  local need_rebuild = false
  local current_level =
  local current_exp =
  local exp_to_levelup = self.t_exp_to_levelup[current_level]
  if exp_to_levelup == nil then
self.current_exp_displayed = self.t_exp_to_levelup[self.max_level]
self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)
  exp_to_levelup = self.t_exp_to_levelup[self.max_level]
  local difference = 0

-- Current LVL.
if current_level <= self.max_level + 1 then
  if current_level ~= self.current_lvl_displayed then
need_rebuild = true
local increment
if current_level > self.current_lvl_displayed then
  increment = 1
  increment = -1
self.current_lvl_displayed = self.current_lvl_displayed + increment
-- Play a sound if we have just reached the final value.
if self.current_lvl_displayed == current_level then
  if increment == 1 then"victory")"treasure")

-- Current XP.
if current_level <= self.max_level then
  if current_exp ~= self.current_exp_displayed then
need_rebuild = true
local increment
if current_exp > self.current_exp_displayed then
  increment = 1
  increment = -1
self.current_exp_displayed = self.current_exp_displayed + increment
self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)

-- Level up
  if self.current_exp_displayed >= exp_to_levelup then"current_level", current_level + 1)
difference = current_exp - exp_to_levelup"current_exp", difference)
current_exp ="current_exp")
self.current_exp_displayed = 0
self.current_exp_displayed_length = string.len(self.current_exp_displayed)

  -- Redraw the surface only if something has changed.
  if need_rebuild then

  -- Schedule the next check.
  sol.timer.start(, 40, function()

function lvl_and_exp:rebuild_surface()


  -- LVL (icon).
  self.lvl_icon_img:draw_region(0, 0, 12, 12, self.surface)

  -- XP (icon).
  self.exp_icon_img:draw_region(12, 0, 12, 12, self.surface, 27, 0)
  -- SLASH (icon).
  self.slash_icon_img:draw_region(24, 0, 8, 12, self.surface, 35 + (8 * self.current_exp_displayed_length), 4)

    -- Current LVL (counter).
  if self.current_lvl_displayed > self.max_level then
  self.digits_text_for_lvl:draw(self.surface, 12, 6)
  -- Current XP (counter).
  if self.current_lvl_displayed <= self.max_level then
  self.digits_text_for_exp:draw(self.surface, 40, 6)
  self.digits_text_for_exp_to_levelup:draw(self.surface, 40 + (8 * self.current_exp_displayed_length), 12)

function lvl_and_exp:set_dst_position(x, y)
  self.dst_x = x
  self.dst_y = y

function lvl_and_exp:on_draw(dst_surface)

  local x, y = self.dst_x, self.dst_y
  local width, height = dst_surface:get_size()
  if x < 0 then
    x = width + x
  if y < 0 then
    y = height + y

  self.surface:draw(dst_surface, x, y)

return lvl_and_exp

--[[********************************NOTES and CODE********************************

--The segment of code below must go into your initial_game.lua in the initialise_new_savegame(game) function. Do not set the level to 0 or it will create a bug (it is my understanding that it is a bug). Also, you will need to add these values to any current savegame file you try to run the script on. Otherwise the script will not load properly

  --Initialise player experience system.
    game:set_level(1)      --Initialise the player level value for new game.
  game:set_exp(0)       --Initialise the player experience value for new game.

--The following must be put into your hud_config script, in the table with the rest of your hud elements; unless you are putting the exp and lvl display in an inventory screen or some other menu, in which case you will have to require it in the proper lua file.

  --Level and Experience Counter
    menu_script = ("scripts/hud/lvl_and_xp"),
    x = 210,    --X and Y can be changed to wherever you would like the exp counter displayed.
    y = 16,

Finally, you must also add the functions game:get_level/exp(), set_level/exp(), and add_level/exp().  In a seperate file named game.lua (or wherever you have a game metatable available) add the following functions. (This doesn't necessarily need to be in it's own file, but for the sake of organisation and tidy code, I find that defining all of my game_meta functions in one place makes things easier. (I do believe that is something I picked up from reading and learning from so many of the Solarus Team's scripts.)

--The following line can be omitted if you all ready have a file where you get the metatable.
local game_meta = sol.main.get_metatable("game")

function game_meta:get_level()
  return self:get_value("current_level")

function game_meta:set_level(level)
  return self:set_value("current_level", level)

function game_meta:add_level(level)
  local level = level
  local c_level = self:get_level()
  local level_up = c_level + level
  return self:set_value("current_level", level_up)

function game_meta:get_exp()
  return self:get_value("current_exp")

function game_meta:set_exp(exp)
  return self:set_value("current_exp", exp)

function game_meta:add_exp(exp)
  local exp = exp
  local c_exp = self:get_exp()
  local exp_up = c_exp + exp
  return self:set_value("current_exp", exp_up)

You may require this file in your main.lua somehow or use multi_events to call it. Whatever you prefer.

You will also need to put the lvl_and_exp_icon.png (see attachments at bottom) into your "sprites/hud" folder.
You can also modify the values of the t_exp_to_levelup table to change the experience required to level up. The first index is the experience required to get from level 1 to level 2 and so on.

Hopefully my explanation was clear. I only know basic French or I would write this up in French as well. I have a few other features for it that I have been testing on my own project, one of which is an algorithm to populate the experience table. I may upload some of these changes in the future if they work out well.

Thanks again, froggy77, for this awesome script! I'm all ready putting it to good use!
Development / Re: How to configure game window
July 20, 2019, 01:50:43 AM
Just finished with some testing and from what I can tell, the function that is registered with register_event() will not override the map script if the map script all ready has the function defined.

So, if your map lua has an on_started() event then the register_event("on_started", function() <-- stuff--> end) won't work.

@Blueblue3D, That may be your problem. Check the map script that you are testing this on to see if it all ready has an on_started() event defined. If so, try to comment the on_started() event out and see if your register_event(function) works.

Edit: One idea to get around this would be to put this into the game metatable and use register_event("on_map_changed", your_function). I definitely recommend defining a local function in the file you have your game_meta in. That way you can just call that function with its name(no parentheses or anything) rather than having to type everything out in the register_event() function. I tested this and it does in fact work.

I like it so much I'm actually going to use it in my game!
Development / Re: How to configure game window
July 20, 2019, 01:37:41 AM
Quote from: PhoenixII54 on July 19, 2019, 10:43:12 PM
Actully, what differenciates from foo:bar() is that in the second case, foo is automatically passed as an argument to the bar function, and thus it is equivalent to writing

Thank you, PhoenixII54, I had forgotten that. Still relatively new to lua and programming in general. In Blueblue3D's case, when they wrote


they should have instead written


, right?

Quote from: PhoenixII54 on July 19, 2019, 10:43:12 PM
Anyway, your code is missing an important thing: when you called
map_meta:register_event("on_started", function()

you forgot to add an argument for the map object which is needed to fetch the camera and which is automtically passed by the event. Speaking of "self", your code will be easier to read and debug if you use an explicitely named variable for the first argument.

To make sure I am understanding this right, you mean to say the code should look more like this?:

map_meta:register_event("on_started", function(camera)

Development / Re: How to configure game window
July 19, 2019, 08:07:11 PM
Ahh, yes. Map would be a nil value because it is not started at the time of the game starting. I had forgotten that and I have been writing these replies mostly from the hot kitchen I work in, so no computer access  :( . You're approach with the map meta table is on the right track although I think you have a typo that may be cause your error. I believe you should be using self:get_camera() rather than self.get_camera(). Not certain it matters, since maps are tables and the dot signifies a property of a table. Seeing as get_camera() is a method, I'm not sure it should be called that way.

Not sure why your script isn't working, but one thing you could do is define the function that you want to run on starting a new map, something like this:

local function resize_camera()
—all the code you want to use to resize the camera

Then  put that function as the callback in your regiseter_event line like this
map_meta:register_event("on_started", resize_camera).

That may work instead, but like I said above, I do believe you have to replace the period with a colon to make the get_camera() function work properly.