I need some help to customize the command "action".

Started by Diarandor, December 14, 2014, 03:26:47 AM

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December 14, 2014, 03:26:47 AM Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 03:40:56 AM by diarandor
Hi! I was trying to execute a function (for example, to open a menu in the game) when the "action" button is pressed, but only in case the hero is not performing another action (talking, lifting,...). To do that, I tried to use the function:

function game:on_command_pressed(command)
  if command == "action" and game:get_command_effect("action") == nil then
     ---- ...my function...

The problem is that this does not work when interacting with custom entities because the function game:get_command_effect("action") returns nil, and I think it is not possible to assign a command effect when the hero is close to a custom entity before the "action" command is pressed (maybe I'm wrong).

Could you help me to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance!
"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you. But if you really make them think, they'll hate you."

What you should do is add a second function that remembers if the action command would do something custom in one of your scripts, like with a custom entity.
So you would have two functions:
- game:get_command_effect("action"): returns the built-in action or nil. This function is in the engine. There is is game:set_command_effect() because it is the engine who decides.
- game:get_custom_command_effect("action") and game:set_custom_command_effect("action", "something"): when the built-in action is nil, returns if your script would do something. These functions is not in the engine, they will be added by your quest. Call game:set_custom_command_effect() from your custom entity script.
And it is only when both of them return nil that nothing happens.

Actually, these additional functions game:get/set_custom_command_effect() already exist in ZSDX, I use them for the HUD.Indeed, the action icon of the HUD displays more state than just the built-in effect of the action command.

Last remark: if the player has the ability to run, the action command can be used to run. Unfortunately, the engine still returns nil in this case when you call game:get_command_effect("action"). I condiser this as a bug.

Thanks again!
I will do as you say, mimicking some functions of the HUD to manage my custom actions.
"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you. But if you really make them think, they'll hate you."

Hello. I am doing something similar, trying to customize the action command so that the hero can jump when not performing another action (as if they had the feather item). Unfortunately I am very new to lua coding and am not sure how to implement this. Here is the code I have so far:

-- Event called when action button is pressed while not near any interactable entities

local command = game:is_command_pressed("action")
if command and game:get_command_pressed("action") == nil then
local hero = self:get_map():get_entity("hero")
local direction4 = hero:get_direction()
hero:start_jumping(direction4 * 2, 32, false)

However, I'm not sure even where to put this code where it might work. I tried putting it in the main.lua script, but nothing happens. Is there somewhere else I should put it? Would the code not even work at all as written?

You should try something like

function game:on_command_pressed(command)
  if command == "action" and
      not game:is_suspended() and
      game:get_hero():get_state() == "free" and
      game:get_command_effect("action") == nil then
    .......... (your code to jump)

Put this code where your game object is created. In my tutorials, this would go to game_manager.lua.
I have not tested but this should be the idea.