A funny thing about forums

Started by Zefk, July 04, 2018, 01:21:36 AM

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July 04, 2018, 01:21:36 AM Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 01:23:30 AM by Zefk
A lot of messager services were discontinued, but a space for them still exist on forums. I found it odd that there is no option to just add the type of service one uses.

AOL Instant Messenger (Discontinued (December 15, 2017)) Wiki
MSN Messenger (Discontinued, 2013) Wiki

Still Exist:

Hi Zefk,

The team behind the website has a lot of things to do, they are also working on a new website, maybe some updates on the forum software version.

If you have some skills that can help the team, we will appreciate your work.

We'll improve the forum right after the website is redone. We plan to meet this summer to work on this  :)