[possible bug] Custom entity traversing when set to false?

Started by Zefk, April 26, 2017, 07:38:10 AM

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I set both custom entities not to traverse  "custom_entity".
Code ( lua) Select
entity:set_can_traverse("custom_entity", false)

They still traverse unless I set traversable to false:
Code ( lua) Select

I set both entities to traverse "custom_entity" when traversable is false and as you can see...they do not traverse.
Code ( lua) Select
entity:set_can_traverse("custom_entity", true)

It works with the hero. If I set the entities to not traverse the "hero", then they do not traverse the hero.
Code ( lua) Select
entity:set_can_traverse("hero", false)

Both entities in the case of the hero are set to traversable true.
Code ( lua) Select

I would like to know about the content you have published, can I learn by myself or have some good advice?

Both of them I would say.  ;D
"If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you. But if you really make them think, they'll hate you."