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Messages - Zefk

Development / Is that a rug or dirt?
May 09, 2016, 03:32:07 AM
I marked a tileset piece in a red square with lines dashing out from it. Is that dirt or a rug?

Updates: (Login to view)

Your projects / Re: Tower Defense with Solarus
May 09, 2016, 01:21:59 AM
(I am not an author) This looks amazing! I would be interested in you sharing it! I could add a link to my Solarus help Project? This could expand into many more quests for the Solarus Engine and others.
Solarus Help Project
I added it to the list. It looks excellent!  :D
Character Sprite Templates

Some of these are not exactly templates, but they can be used as templates. I personally have and I picked some of my favorite character styles. All of them are free for commercial use, but look at the license files for the credit information in the Archive.

Download Full Pack With Credit Information:
Sprite Template Archive Download

urbansquall_Sprites (Login to download)
You are welcome!  :D

I will add some sprite templates today sometime.
I did not know of this program. It is fantastic! I will add it to the list.
Pixel Art Making Programs

Mapping Tutorial found by Diarandor:

Interesting tutorial about mapping, with many advices. Unfortunately it is written in french, so some people will not be able to understand it unless they use something like Google translate. Anyway, it could be useful to someone.

Pedro's pixel art tutorials:

A bunch of free pixel art tutorials and you can download them all in a package for 5 USD if you want to support the Patreon.

Windows and Linux operating systems:

GrafX2 - It has unique tools for creating pixel art. It is available for many platforms including Android and Linux. YouTube Tutorials

GraphicsGale - A unique program for sprite creation and animation. June 18, 2017 - GraphicsGale became a freeware!

Krita - I love Krita it is the closest thing to a free Photoshop.

Gimp - Another good free program I like. It now has better layers and a single window mode like Photoshop.

Extension for Gimp 2.8:
Multiple layer export (Good for exporting 100 font images in seconds) or WaybackMachine
simple sprite sheet maker
Gimp Script: deep-float-copy (Multiple layers)
119 scripts for Gimp 2.8
GIMP Plugin Registry (Linux)
I just installed without the ppa on Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt-get install gimp-plugin-registry

Paint.NET Paint.NET has been compared to Gimp. It has quite a bit of plugins.

Piskel - This was made for pixel art. It has everything one needs (including layers, but no group layers as far as I know) and everything one needs for pixel art. It has offline versions.

Aseprite - A unique program for sprite creation and animation. Not completely free.

Active Pixels - An editor close to Gimp

Firealpaca - Another editor close to gimp.

Sai - This is not a free tool. I am only mentioning it because it is made very well and can even run on React OS. That is the opensource Windows operating system.


Android is a Linux kernal Google library OS. Yes, Android is the most popular Linux OS. That is the main reason Android operating systems are free. A lot of people do not know this.

I tested many free programs for making pixel art on Android and Pixly is the best free one.

Pixly - Layers and many Photoshop like features.

IsoPix - No layers. Very basic, but useful for quick pixel art.

PixelArt Editor - No layers. Very basic, but useful for quick pixel art.

Pixel Motion - No layers. Very basic, but useful for quick pixel art.

Return to Solarus Resource Help Project
Jr. Member Achieved!

More free musical effects for Solarus due my new rank!

P.S. These will not be in the archive download until I add the swimming sound effects. You can download the preview folder to get them.
I separated the sprite. I will do formatting and color skins in the morning.

Here is an update today for the tileset.
Chests done! I modified these to open and resized them.

Chests: (login to view)

Pixel Art Making Programs - I will actually put this on its own post later. I want this post clean with just table of contents.
There has been a lot of modifying and re-sizing the opensource art. I should have the rest done after I get the chests size changes done, but here is a update.


Bomb: (Login to view images)



I will be adding some more swimming sound effects on Sunday.