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Messages - The Pink Bunny

Development / Re: Path Movement behaving weirdly
April 19, 2019, 08:47:23 AM
If you can't reproduce the issue, could it be a hardware issue? A problem caused by the map? I've tried it on several different maps, and the same thing happens for me every time. I've tried putting print statements in pretty much every place I can think of, and on_restarted() isn't getting called unexpectedly anywhere.

The behavior you described sounds like an issue I was having with this enemy a long time ago, but this code has been changed a bunch since then.

As for your other comment, you're right, that line in look_around() was supposed to set the sprite direction, not the path.
Development / Path Movement behaving weirdly
April 17, 2019, 12:41:39 AM
I have a soldier enemy which does a path movement and a target movement. For some reason, any time the path movement is stopped (when the target movement happens, or when I stop it manually), it seems to still be happening in the background. Once whatever movement or animation controlling the entity is finished, the entity rapidly follows all of the path movements that would have happened during that time.

I have been trying to debug this for hours, and I am absolutely stumped why this is happening, or how to stop it. Can anyone help?
Development / Pre-made LttP Maps?
January 29, 2019, 12:37:50 AM
Does anyone know where I can find maps from A Link to the Past already made in Solarus? I'm working on a little LttP fan game, just for myself to teach myself coding and such, and that involves recreating all the maps myself. It's kind of tedious work, and I'm sure someone's done it before, at least for the overworlds. I couldn't find anywhere on the forums, so I figured I'd ask!
I'm trying to make a soldier enemy like ALttP, and I'm having some trouble getting it to walk right. The way I have it, the enemy does a "looking" animation (2 frames, 500ms frame delay, no loop), then begins a path movement and goes into a walking animation. But for some reason, after the "looking" animation ends, the sprite teleports a couple of tiles away and continues with the path movement. After looking at the console while it's happening, it appears that the path movement is happening during the 2 frame "looking" animation, but not displaying on either the game window or the console until the "looking" animation completes, then continuing with the path movement as if it had begun moving at the start of the "looking" animation. I don't know if this explanation is clear, but hopefully it's at least replicable.

I've tried writing it in every way I could think of, but they all either do what's described above, or do nothing after the "looking" animation as if I never told it to start the movement. Below is my current attempt (using a timer instead of defining a callback in sprite:set_animation() ), which does what is described in the first paragraph:

Code ( lua) Select

-- move, sprite, paths, and the functions are declared above this in the full code

function pathset()

local dir = sprite:get_direction()



function look_around()

sol.timer.start(1000, pathset)


function soldier:on_restarted()



And here is another format of look_around() I've tried which does nothing at all on completing the animation:

Code ( lua) Select

function look_around()

sprite:set_animation("looking", pathset)


I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong. Like I said, I've tried a bunch of different formats for this process, but I've deleted most of them out of frustration (probably a bad idea). The full enemies/soldier.lua is attached along with the sprite i'm using for it if anyone wants to try to replicate the error.
Development / Re: Error message with hud
June 23, 2016, 08:19:01 PM
Yep, that solved it! I wonder how that happened. Thanks for you guys' help!
Can movements only be applied to one entity at a time? I'm trying to have two entities make the same movement a bit delayed from each other, but when the second movement starts, the first just stops. I know I can fix that by just making another movement, but that seems like strange behavior to me. Is that intentional?

edit: Since this question is more trivial than practical (and I don't want to start two threads in a row), I'll also ask this here: Is there a difference between 'entity:on_obstacle_reached(movement)' and 'movement:on_obstacle_reached()' ?
Development / Re: Error message with hud
June 23, 2016, 02:47:53 AM
There aren't any savegame files. I just let it initialize a new savegame every time.
Development / Re: Error message with hud
June 22, 2016, 05:51:25 PM
Sure. Here's a link to the data folder as a .zip:

I went ahead and attached hud.lua, game_manager.lua, and main.lua to the post right here because I figure the problem is probably in there somewhere.
Development / Re: Error message with hud
June 22, 2016, 12:40:58 AM
I moved it there, and it didn't make a difference. Everything is where it is supposed to be for the paths.
Development / Error message with hud (solved)
June 21, 2016, 11:15:17 PM
I have a simple hud that I made to display health as hearts and magic as a number. It was working just fine until I made some change to a file that was NOT the hud script, and now it displays this error message whenever I start the game:

QuoteError: Failed to load script 'menus/hud': [string "menus/hud.lua"]:1: '=' expected

Which sounds like the script is missing an equals sign in line 1, except it is definitely there and I don't know what the problem is. Below is menus/hud.lua . I thought it was a simple syntax error, so I didn't want to bring it to the forum, but I have tried everything I can think of and I've got nothing. My game runs just fine if I comment out all references to hud.lua in my game manager (also down below).

Thanks for the help, and if it IS a stupid syntax error, sorry for wasting your time.

Code ( lua) Select
local hudmenu = {}

function hudmenu:create(game)  -- the game is passed as an input to the function so it can be used

local hud = {}
local hudsurface = sol.surface.create(256,224)
local hearts = 1
local heart = {}
local health = 0
local fullhearts = 0
local halfheart = 0
local magic = 0
local maxmag = 0
local magbar
local magbarbg
local magsize = 0
local jaricon
local jars = 0
local jartext
local decicon
local decs = 0
local dectext, hudmenu)

sol.timer.start(100, function()  -- runs health calculationsn 10x/sec instead of every frame
hearts = game:get_max_life()/4

for h = 1,hearts do
heart[h] = sol.sprite.create("hud/lifebar")

health = game:get_life()
fullhearts = math.floor(health/4)

for h = 1,fullhearts do

halfheart = 0   -- it's actually just binary "is there a half heart or not", but I need it to be able to do math

if health-fullhearts*4 == 1 or health-fullhearts*4 == 2 then
halfheart = 1

for h = fullhearts+halfheart+1,hearts do

magic = game:get_magic()
maxmag = game:get_max_magic()
magbarbg = sol.sprite.create("hud/magic_meter_bg")
magsize = math.floor(magic/max*34)

if magsize == 0 and magic > 0 then
magsize = 1

if magic == 0 then
magbar = sol.surface.create(10,34)
magbar = sol.surface.create(10,magsize)

jars = game:get_item("magic_jar_storage"):get_amount()
jartext = sol.text_surface.create({font = "8_bit", text = jars,})
decs = game:get_item("magic_dec_storage"):get_amount()
dectext = sol.text_surface.create({font = "8_bit", text = decs,})

return true

jaricon = sol.sprite.create("entities/items")
decicon = sol.sprite.create("entities/items")

function hudmenu:on_draw(hudsurface)

for h = 1,hearts do
heart[h]:draw(hudsurface, 21+(h-1)*8, 5)

magbarbg:draw(hudsurface, 5, 5)
magbar:draw(hudsurface, 8, 9+34-magsize)

jaricon:draw(hudsurface, 60, 10)
jartext:draw(hudsurface, 56, 18)

decicon:draw(hudsurface, 72, 10)
dectext:draw(hudsurface, 68, 18)


function hud:quit()
if then

return hud


return hudmenu

Code ( lua) Select
-- Script that creates a game ready to be played.

-- Usage:
-- local game_manager = require("scripts/game_manager")
-- local game = game_manager:create("savegame_file_name")
-- game:start()

local dialog_box_manager = require("scripts/dialog_box")
local hudmenu = require("menus/hud")
local inventory = require("menus/inventory")

local game_manager = {}

-- Sets initial values for a new savegame of this quest.
local function initialize_new_savegame(game)
  game:set_starting_location("Hyrule Castle/dungeon")
  game:set_max_money(100)  -- default is 0
  item_cooldown = false

function item_cooldown_timer()
sol.timer.start(500, function()
item_cooldown = false

-- Creates a game ready to be played.
function game_manager:create(file)

  -- Create the game (but do not start it).
  local exists =
  local game =
  if not exists then
    -- This is a new savegame file.

  local dialog_box
  local hud

  -- Function called when the player runs this game.
  function game:on_started()
hud = hudmenu:create(game)
    dialog_box = dialog_box_manager:create(game)

--game:set_command_joypad_binding("item_1", "button 1")
--game:set_command_joypad_binding("attack", nil)
--game:set_command_joypad_binding("pause", "button 7")

  -- Function called when the game stops.
  function game:on_finished()

    dialog_box = nil

  function game:on_paused()
  function game:on_unpaused()

  local rupee_icon = sol.surface.create("entities/miscellaneous.png")
  local rupee_text = sol.text_surface.create()
  rupee_text:set_font("8_bit")                   -- these three things are all set outside of the function so that they aren't redefined every frame (bad)

local magic_num = sol.text_surface.create()
local life_num = sol.text_surface.create()

  function game:on_draw(dst_surface) --function is called every time game is redrawn (same as framerate)

--rupee_icon:draw_region(0, 16, 8, 8, dst_surface, 5, 5) -- reference Solarus documentation
--rupee_text:draw(dst_surface, 14, 8)
magic_num:draw(dst_surface, 16, 16)

life_num:draw(dst_surface, 16, 8)
  function game:on_joypad_button_pressed(butt)
iBuffalo Classic USB Gamepad button guide:
SNES button - index (default command mapping)
A - 0 ("action")
B - 1 ("attack")
X - 2 ("item_1")
Y - 3 ("item_2")
L - 4 ("pause")
R - 5
select - 6
start - 7

For mysterious and currently unknown reasons, the controller only works the first time
you start the quest from the editor. After that, it doesn't even register anything
happening. Also, the editor keeps crashing, but I don't know if that's related.
Actually, maybe it is, because it crashes every third time I close the game window.

if butt == 5 then
if butt == 4 then
if butt == 6 then
print("save menu to be implemented later")

  function game:on_key_pressed(key)

if key == "f" then

if key == "g" then

  return game

return game_manager
Development / Re: Custom Commands?
April 12, 2016, 06:59:30 PM
Okay, thanks for the help! (and the fast reply!)
Development / Custom Commands?
April 12, 2016, 06:30:42 PM
Is it possible to add a command to the list of game commands? (like "action","item_1","pause", etc.) I know I can just use game:on_key_pressed() or main:on_key_pressed(), but I want to be able to create a new command that works with things like game:set_command_keyboard_binding(). It would be great if I could look at the actual game object code to figure it out, but I can't find it in the data files or documentation.
Okay, thanks! And yes, that should definitely be map:get_ground() . Whoops.

And hitting the stop button doesn't seem to work when that happens. I keep having to go into task manager to stop the game.
I'm programming an item that is a short range fire spell that creates a few custom entities right in front of the hero. I currently have each of them created in a separate function local to the item so that I can create each of them sequentially. Right now I just have each of them take the hero, map, and game as input for things like where to be and not to be created if it's on a wall tile. I'm wondering if it would be faster for the computer to take the hero's position in on_using() and use that as the input, or does that really matter for something like this?

Edit: I realize that there's a lot of things in here that I could probably optimize better, but would it really affect performance?

Code ( lua) Select
function flamethrower:on_using()

if not item_cooldown then

local map = self:get_map()
local hero = map:get_entity("hero")
local game = self:get_game()
local flame_base
local flame_mid = {}
local flame_end = {}
item_cooldown = true

flame_base = flamethrower_base(map, hero, game)
flame_mid = flamethrower_mid(map, hero, game, flame_base)
flame_end = flamethrower_end(map, hero, game, flame_mid)




And the flamethrower_base function:
Code ( lua) Select
local function flamethrower_base(map, hero, game)

local x,y,layer = hero:get_position()    -- these two lines happen in each of the three functions. Should I do it differently?
local dir = hero:get_direction()

if dir == 0 then
x = x + 12
elseif dir == 1 then
y = y - 12
elseif dir == 2 then
x = x - 12
elseif dir == 3 then
y = y + 12
print("Error in flamethrower.lua; flamethrower_base(): direction is not integer 0 to 3")

flame_base = map:create_custom_entity{ 
name = "flame base",
x = x,
y = y,
width = 8,
height = 8,
layer = layer,
direction = dir,
sprite = "entities/flame_base",


local xb, yb, layerb = flame_base:get_position()

if map:get_position(xb, yb, layerb) == "wall" then
base_exists = false

flame_base:add_collision_test("overlapping", function(entity, other)

if other:get_type() == "enemy" then

return flame_base


(also, is there a hotkey to break an infinite loop while the game is running? I keep doing that to myself)
Development / Re: ALttP fireball graphics problem
March 16, 2016, 10:43:55 PM
Thanks for the help (and the warning about on_draw)! I finally got it to work using a similar method to the one you had for the enemy fireballs. I put the tail in a separate function so that my t values weren't interfering with each other, and just set three specific variables to be the tail entities since you reminded me there shouldn't be more than two anyway (the third is just in case). I am still using a custom map entity because I just couldn't figure out drawable sprites, so the names do get repeated if you shoot more than one fireball at a time, but it all resets once they start hitting walls and getting removed. I'll just add a max distance so that they don't keep increasing forever if any of them escape the walls. Thanks again, Chrisopho!

Here's the new function, for posterity. make_tail(proj) is called in item:on_using() and proj is the entity that is the head of the fireball projectile (the part that actually interacts with things). I might change it to also take map as an input, since it's already done in on_using().

Code ( lua) Select

local function make_tail(proj)  -- input is the custom entity used for the projectile

local tail = {}
local t = 1
local sprite1
local sprite2
local sprite3
local map = fireball:get_map()

sol.timer.start(150, function()

xt,yt,layert = proj:get_position()  -- creating it wherever the projectile currently is
tail[t] = map:create_custom_entity{  --the tail of the fireball
name = "fireball_tail" .. t,
x = xt,
y = yt,
width = 8,
height = 8,
layer = layert,
direction = 0,
sprite = "entities/firetail",

if t == 1 then
sprite1 = tail[1]
elseif t == 2 then
sprite2 = tail[2]
elseif t == 3 then
sprite3 = tail[3]

if sprite1 then
local ent1 = sprite1:get_sprite()
function ent1:on_animation_finished()

if sprite2 then
local ent2 = sprite2:get_sprite()
function ent2:on_animation_finished()

if sprite3 then
local ent3 = sprite3:get_sprite()
function ent3:on_animation_finished()

if proj:exists() then
if t == 1 then
t = 2
elseif t == 2 then
t = 3
t = 1
return true
