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Topics - HylianLikely

Development / Getting Started on a Mac
April 10, 2015, 09:33:45 PM
If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated

I am completely new to this and I am falling at the first hurdle, I am used to searching for workarounds and answers being a mac user, so hopefully someone out there can help out!

It is running Solarus that I can't get to work, I started by installing and following the fantastic video tutorial by ChristophoZS ( and it is at the 4:33 mark that I receive the below error message:

Jamie$ /Users/Jamie/Documents/Solarus\ Game\ Maker/solarus-1.3.1-OSX/solarus/solarus ; exit;
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libluajit-
  Referenced from: /Users/Jamie/Documents/Solarus Game Maker/solarus-1.3.1-OSX/solarus/solarus
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

[Process completed]

I have created a data file and quest and placed it in the root with the exe, to no avail.

Searching the net I discovered some information about the required frameworks, I have downloaded these and placed them in the /library/frameworks folder - I also located them within the solarus_bundle folder, within the contents of the

I have come across another post on the forum:
Topic: Solarus XD fails to execute on Mac OS X: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/li  (Read 1022 times)

@vlag explains something needs to be added the framework file, but I really don't know where to start - if anyone could post a step by step solution to this issue I feel it would help alot of people, not just myself! As it has been read 1022 times it seems others are having the same issue

Forgive my naivety on the subject, I'm sure @vlag's soloution works, but as someone who has no prior experience in this territory I am struggling to follow - I'd really like to get started creating a Zelda game!

Thank you