Mac keyboard controls?

Started by jnew23, February 22, 2016, 09:45:24 PM

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Hi, I'm making a game with a group of people for a class we're all in.  I have a macbook pro and a desktop computer.  My groupmate also has a linux laptop, and on windows and linux the keyboard controls work.  However, for a mac, it never goes into on_key_pressed.  I cannot figure out why this is the case, can anyone help me?  This is what we have:

Code ( lua) Select
function game_manager:start_game()
    game:set_command_keyboard_binding("left", "a")
    game:set_command_keyboard_binding("right", dvorak and "e" or "d")
    game:set_command_keyboard_binding("up", dvorak and "," or "w")
    game:set_command_keyboard_binding("down", dvorak and "o" or "s")
    game:set_command_keyboard_binding("pause", "escape")

function sol.main:on_key_pressed(key, modifiers)
if game:is_paused() or game:is_suspended() or hero.entitydata == nil then

mousex, mousey = sol.input.get_mouse_position()
x, y = convert_to_map(mousex, mousey)

if x ~= nil then
hero:set_direction(hero:get_direction4_to(x, y))

hero = game:get_hero()
if hero:get_state() ~= "freezed" then
if key == "space" then
elseif (key == "e" and not dvorak) or (key == "." and dvorak) then
elseif key == "left shift" then
elseif key == "escape" then
print("TODO: pause menu")
--debug keys
elseif key == "r" then
elseif key == "k" then

What version of Solarus are you using? Are you running the game directly or from the quest editor?

I'm using the most recent version.  I'm running it in the editor because I don't have solarus_run on my mac, just the GUI.

It is not normal that the Mac version has no solarus_run. The quest editor 1.4 is known to have to issues with keyboard and joypad when running a quest from it. This is fixed in the development version of 1.5 though.

Where can i get version 1.5 for osx, my keyboard isn't working either.

1.5 is not released yet. In 1.4, the keyboard currently works when running from solarus_run but not when running from the quest editor.

March 03, 2016, 09:51:51 PM #6 Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 10:24:18 PM by anthony
1.4.5 solarus_run doesn't seem to work, got it working with v 1.4.4 solarus_run

Thanks for the feedback.

You may help to debug, actually the Solarus bundle works fine for me on my developer environment, so I probably made a mistake when I was building the package.
Could you report the error message when running the Solarus bundle, and also the error message when running solarus_run through the command line ?