Error text file location on a Mac

Started by vedder9, September 07, 2015, 11:35:23 PM

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Sorry if this is common knowledge, but I either do not get a .txt file created when Solarus cannot compile the game, or I don't know where to look for it. I have checked all of the hiding places that I know of and do not see it anywhere. It certainly is not in the same location as it is in Windows (at least not based on the video tutorials that I have watched).

I'm trying to use my own tilemap that appears to be working properly in the editor (1.3), but when I go to run the game it crashes if I try using my tilemap in the actual map. It builds just fine with any of the Zelda tilemaps. I'm sure it has something to do with my tilemap, but I am having a hard time determining the problem since I can't find this text file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Normally, error.txt is created in the current directory. I'm not sure of how this works in Mac.
What I know is that if you run Solarus from a terminal (by typing ./solarus_run path/to/your/quest), you will see the error in the terminal.

Thanks for the response. I do not get the error.txt file in the game's directory, but using the command line will do just fine. I ended up figuring the issue out shortly after posting this, but I'm sure I'll run into another problem soon enough. I'll give this suggestion a try.

Thanks again, and fantastic job on the tutorials. I made my way through all of them and look forward to future additions.